Cotton Fields
When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle
In them old cotton fields back home
When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle
In them old cotton fields back home
Oh'well'those cotton bolls get rotten
You can't pick very much cotton
In them old cotton fields back home
It was down in Louisiana
Just about a mile from Texarkana
In them old cotton fields back home
When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle
In them old cotton fields back home
When I was a little bitty baby
My mama would rock me in the cradle
In them old cotton fields back home
Oh'well'those cotton bolls get rotten
You can't pick very much cotton
In them old cotton fields back home
It was down in Louisiana
Just about a mile from Texarkana
In them old cotton fields back home
In them old cotton fields back home

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