No money
Kings Of Leon - No Money

Won't you give me something I need,
Won't you peel me off of the street,
Go and wet my tongue,
Spit me up and break me a fever.
Give me something I can believe in.
Give me something to walk me away.
I'm a waste of time,
And all in all a waste of living.
Waste of a living.

Can't you see me walking the walk,
I've been down to the horns and back,
And I'm way too tired,
Of blowing out the burning candles.
I got no money but I want you so.
I got no money but I want you so.
I got so much I can not handle.
Can not handle.
I can not handle.

And all this pissing around,
Cut loose of this ******* town.
I ain't coming back,
I got my ticket on to the next one.
I got no money but I want you so.
I got no money but I want you so.
And I want and I want and I want and I want it.

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