歌手:at17(at 17)
  所属专辑:Just the Two of Us... Until We Meet Agai...
序列 歌曲标题 时长 歌手
1.花見 (Live) 04:28at17
2.天大地大 (Live) 03:17at17
3.快樂不快樂 (Live) 03:47at17
4.開到茶糜 (Live) 04:32at17
5.Speech: Morning Call (Live) 03:05at17
6.One of Us (Live) 04:04at17
7.煞科 (Live) 04:01at17
8.妖女 (Live) 02:52at17
9.跑步機上 (Live) 03:12at17
10.一萬一千公里 (Live) 04:06at17
11.弱水三千 (Live) 05:28at17
12.當大樹掉下最後一顆蘋果 (Live) 04:13at17
13.安樂 (Live) 04:45at17
14.Speech: First Encounter (Live) 01:12at17
15.Porcelain (Live) 04:19at17
16.給十年後的我 (Live) 02:44at17

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