The Worstest One
  所属专辑:Folk Poetry
作词 : 李外LilWine
作曲 : 李外LilWine
I should to die I need disappear
I thinking ima wasting the air
I wasting the time
I wasting my life
I wasting the people i care
even I hate myself
even I can not breath
who save" the safe" from me
Idon't wanna a lonely night
tonight we gonna be friend
tonight you can be the only bright
brighter than the moon
Ishouldn't to die
I need to appear
now im thinking ima fit in here
I'm alone i hate rule
im alone so I getting cruel
I know im alone and I get a mood
to stranger im in stranger
to the poor im in poorer
so who am I, I could be
Im the worstest one
Im the worstest one
the worstest one
the worstest one
Idon't wanna a lonely life
tonight we gonna be friend
tonight you can be the only bright
brighter than the moon

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