I've Been In Love Before
  所属专辑:My Favourite Songs
Catch my breathe close my eyes
don't believe a ward
Things she's said overheard
something's wrong inside
lt's when you admit it
then you know you've read it
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
The hardest part is when you are in it
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
Just one touch just one look
a dangerous noise
One small breath can make me feel
like running away
You can't say you've read it no
until you've reach the limit
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
The hardest part is when you are in it
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
The hardest part is when you are in it
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
l've beenlove before
The hardest part is when you are in it
l've beenlove before

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