“The Process” (Interlude ft. 欧阳靖)
作词 : 小城堡LilCastles/欧阳靖
作曲 : 小城堡LilCastles/LaShawnHarris
编曲 : LaShawnHarris
“You have reached the voice mail box”
“Hey yo what up this is boy Castle$ man
I can't get to the phone right now, so
Leave me a massage, you know what to do”
I'm gonna get right with you, peace

“Yo what’s going on Castle$
“(最近还好吗 Castle$),
nothing just wanted to send you some words of encouragement man
you know, as far as the music thing
I would say, just focus on your craft man
make what speaks to you, you know, make music that you feel represents you
and everything else, you know, will unfold accordingly
but I hope you and your family are well during this time man
god bless you, take care, later bro”

混音助理:Justin “Jrolz” Cogley

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