Chergui (feat.Fung Lau)
作词 : 志国夜总会
作曲 : 志国夜总会/Fang
编曲 : 志国夜总会
I come here for memories were gone
You stand there for the pouring rain from the passing days
You may walk about
You may leave me alone
But you should spare some time for me
and you could have it all
You may walk about
You may leave me alone
But you should spare some time for me
and you could have it all
(I know it's good for me, and it's better for you, to break down the rules n get along with the sudden chergui.)
memories were gone
for the pouring rain from the passing days
You may walk about
You may leave me alone
But you should spare some time for me
and you could have it all

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