20th Century Boy(Live)
  所属专辑:Air Justin 08 Live
Friends say it's fine friends say it's good
Everybody says it's just like rock 'n roll
I move like a cat talk like a rat
Everybody sting just like a bee
And it's plain to see you were meant for me yeah
I'm your boy your twentieth century toy
Friends say it's good friends say it's fine
Everybody says it's just like rock 'n roll
Walk like a cat move like a rat
Everybody says
I wanna be your man
And it's plain to see you were meant for me yeah
I'm your boy your twentieth century toy
20th century toy
I wanna be your boy
20th century toy
I wanna be your boy
20th century toy
I wanna be your boy
20th century toy
I wanna be your boy

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