Truly Julie's Blues
  所属专辑:Time Of The Season
Sam Hui
When you're thirsty and no one will fill your cup for you
And your well-dressed friends don't want you on their street
When you are so far down the gutter looks like up to you
I will still be kneeling at your feet
When you can't remember where you left your laughter
And you forget the definition of your name
When your yesterday sets fire to your after
I'll reach down and pull you from the flame
I'll reach down and pull you from the flame
Oh when all the crippled children you give strenth to
Lay their crutches down and walk away
When you realise that all their mothers hate you
I'll be there to hear the things you say
I'll be there i'll be there
When at last your bitter problems all ignored you
And you come out clean and everything is done
And you realise i've been through it all before you
Come down and walk beside me in the sun

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