Every Face Tells A Story
  所属专辑:Spaceman Came Travelling
许冠杰Every face tells a story
Edited by Xiaoqin for my fave Sam
There's no need for you to tell me
I can see the way you feel
I just know without you saying
What is a lie and what's real
Every face tells a story
It's hard to hide a lie
Every face tells a story
And yours is saying goodbye
Somethig's going on and I know it
You can't keep it from me
Your smile cannot hide what you feel inside
And I don't like what I see
Every face tells a story
It's hard to hide a lie
Every face tells a story
And yours is saying goodbye
Your're always telling stories
You're always telling me lies
Your're always telling stories,
Tell me why?
If you wanna leave me
leave me
No good living a lie
You can pretend that
we're not gonna end
But your eyes are saying goodbye
Every face tells a story
It's hard to hide a lie
Every face tells a story
And yours is saying goodbye
Your're always telling stories
You're always telling me lies
Your're always telling stories,
Tell me why?
If you wanna leave me
leave me
No good living a lie
You can pretend that
we're not gonna end
But your eyes are saying goodbye
Every face tells a story
It's hard to hide a lie
Every face tells a story
And yours is saying goodbye
Every face tells a story
And yours is saying goodbye

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