Saddest Day
  所属专辑:More…Sam Hui (巨星之初英文专辑)
I know it's done
But i still face the truth that's just begun
I'm so alone let me fly above the sky
Let me hide inside my eyes i'm too low down to make it home
It's the saddest day of my life
Climpses of truth plus the echos of those lies guide my way
I'm so con fused how much longer much i wait
Will i always hesiltate to give my heart again to you
It's the saddest day of my life
Long ago i knew someone who's gone astray
Floating through my mind like haif-baked yesterdays
Oh but stilli i'm just a clown and i'm on uneven ground
And i'm feeling very down about your leaving you leaving leaving
I lie in bed and the mornign comes
And friends all say hello/another day
And i notice what goes on but my life just seems so long
There's golta be another way it's the saddest day of my life

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