My Girl
  所属专辑:Live So Nice
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day when it’s cold outside
I’ve got the month of May I guess you’ll say
what can make me feel this way My girl,talkin’ bout My girl
I’ve got so much honey The bees envy me I’ve got a sweeter song
Than the birds in the trees well, I guess you’ll say what can
make me feel this way My girl, talkin’ bout My girl
I don’t need no money, fortune or fame
I’ve got all the riches, baby one man can claim
Well, I guess you’ll say what can make me feel this way
My girl, talkin’ bout my girl
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl
I’ve even got the month of May with my girl
talkin’ bout my girl
I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl
I’ve even got the month of May with my girl

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